Naisjoukkue Fat Lady's Charms lopettaa

Kimmo Kainulainen
Kimmo Kainulainen
9 vuotta sitten
2,379 viestiä

1535_discussions.jpgPitkälti toistakymmentä vuotta toiminut ja mm. Millennium Seriesiä kiertänyt naisjoukkue Fat Lady's Charms lopettaa pelaamisen ainakin toistaiseksi.

Kotimaaksi joukkueelle on usein merkitty Norja, mutta käytännössä pelaajia on tainnut olla mukana ainakin Ruotsista ja Tanskastakin.


It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we make this announcement. We regret deeply to inform, that as of today FL Charms will no longer be functioning as a fully active tournament team.

It is no secret that we have been through a rough couple of years, trying to rebuild the team (more than once!) and to get back to our prior “heyday”, being the most winning female paintball team ever with more than 20 podium finishes during our 15 years, 9 of which is in the Millennium Series alone. Yes we are darned proud of what we have achieved together as Sisters in Arms!

But it seems we have failed and not succeeded in finding a new core of dedicated and hungry players with the will and determination to get back to the top, no matter how hard or long the road might seem at times.

We have been extremely lucky to have had a fantastic group of loyal supporters and sponsors who never gave up on us or doubted us in our attempts and path back to greatness. We are so sad to have let you all down and not being able to succeed in bringing our team back to this greatness. We are forever grateful for you and for all your loyalty and support, none mentioned and none forgotten, you know who you are!

You will still see some of us out there on the field, some will retire and some will be playing though on part-time basis only. Once in a while, we will still try and get “the band back together” for special occasions or one-offs. We will not retire the team completely, we will however be putting it to rest for now.

Once again a huge thanks, gratitude and appreciation for all the love, support and help we as FL Charms have received, it´s been one hell of a ride these past 15 years. We will never forget it! Sisters in Arms #‎FLC4ever‬ !

Päijät-Hämeen Paintball ry

viimeisin viesti: @kimmo-kainulainen: 29/12/16 23:53:12
