PSP testaa tuplapittisysteemiä Mid-Atlantic Openissa nimellä RaceTo MAXX

Kimmo Kainulainen
Kimmo Kainulainen
11 vuotta sitten
2,379 viestiä


Jenkkisarja PSP:n positiiviset ongelmat joukkuemäärien kanssa jatkuvat, sillä toukokuun ensimmäisenä viikonloppuna Marylandissa järjestettävään kauden toiseen osakilpailuun on jo maksaneita tiimejä yli 180 kappaletta. Kenttien - ja tuomareiden - lisääminen ei kaikilla turnauspaikoilla onnistu, joten sarja tähyilee muita vaihtoehtoja, jotta maksavia asiakkaita ei tarvitsisi käännyttää pois. Kolmos- ja nelosdivisioonissa testataan RaceTo MAXX-nimellä kulkevaa uudistusta, jossa kaksi paria joukkueita pelaa pisteitä vuorotellen.

Nk. tuplapittisysteemiä on sikäli kehitetty euroversiosta eteenpäin, että PSP:ssä kellot osaavat huomioida toisen tiimiparin matsin tapahtuvat. Pisteiden välissä olevat tauot ovat aina vähintään kaksi minuuttia ja taukokellot pysähtyvät 30 sekuntiin jos toisen pelin piste on edelleen käynnissä ja käynnistyvät kun se päättyy, eli jos jokin piste juostaan 20 sekunnissa läpi, niin se ei kuitenkaan luo ongelmaa tauolla oleville. Lisäksi joukkueet vaihtuvat lennossa siten, että kun yksi matsi päättyy, niin viiden minuutin siirtymällä uudet joukkueet tulevat pittiin ja toinen matsi jatkuu samaan aikaan, eli jos otteluparien toinen peli päättyy nopeasti, saattaa uusi peli alkaa vielä toisen matsin ollessa käynnissä.

Aiempi uutisotsikko:

PSP Press Release for MAO

Notice To All Teams Attending MAO

            We're bursting at the seams! The PSP continues to grow in popularity. We added an extra field in Dallas due to demand. The upcoming MAO event will be the largest second event of a season since 2005! But success has created a new problem. The traditional Race To structure limits the total number of teams that can participate at a PSP tournament. Even at the best locations there is often a limit to the number of fields the league can set up. If this trend continues we will need to either turn teams away-which we do not want to do-or find a more efficient way to use the fields and space available.

            In an effort to explore possible solutions the PSP will be introducing PSP RaceTo MAXX on a limited basis at MAO. D3 RaceTo-4 & D4 RaceTo-4 will have the first opportunity to compete using the MAXX formula. PSP RaceTo MAXX does not alter the RaceTo format in any way. The teams affected will still be competing in RaceTo-4. What MAXX does is it allows more efficient scheduling which in turn should make it possible for more teams to compete in their chosen version of RaceTo on the same number of fields.

            How will it work? Simply put, four teams will share a field at the same time with two matches running simultaneously with the two pairs of teams taking turns. Teams A and B run a point and then teams C and D run the next point so that they are alternating points. When one pair of teams finish their match the next two teams will enter the pits and prepare to begin their match regardless of the status of the other match being played. The MAXX fields will have separate pit areas for all the competing teams. For example, this means there will be a Home Pit A and Home Pit C separated by a chrono station on one side of the score table, and Away Pit B and Away Pit D on the other side, each pit with their own separate pit boards that maintain separate match/game clocks for each match. The main board on the field will display the information for the point that is about to start (during breaks) or the match in progress (point being played). If a match's break clock reaches 30 seconds when the other match is still in progress, it will stop at 30 seconds. Once the other match finishes, the 30 seconds will start rolling so the teams have 30 seconds to get to their start stations.

            Once a match ends, we put a 5-minute break clock on that match's scoreboard while the other match continues. The previous team moves out, and the next team moves in. There will be an on-deck staging tent directly behind the match pits so teams can pod up, gear up, get guns working, etc, in the on-deck tent prior to their match and just carry their set-up stuff into the match pit when they're up to play.

            Confused? Concerned? Don't worry. There will be additional PSP staff to assist the MAXX teams. In addition, all the competing teams will always have at least two minutes between points, never less. In fact, depending on the field teams may have extra turnaround time between points making it easier to get ready. Competing teams will have their own pit for the duration of their match and the on-deck teams will have a separate tented area to stage for their matches.

            The PSP thanks the participating teams for their cooperation. It is our goal to provide the best possible tournament paintball competition and we are confident that MAXX will allow the league to grow without impacting the quality of our events.

Päijät-Hämeen Paintball ry

viimeisin viesti: @kimmo-kainulainen: 29/12/16 23:41:21
