Tällä kaudella pitkin Eurooppaa Ranskasta Venäjälle turnauksia järjestävä Champions Paintball League on muuttanut sääntöjään juuri ennen seuraavaa turnaustaan Roomassa.
Käyttöön tulee kuularajoitus, mutta siinä ei mennä niin pitkälle kuin mitä Millennium Series M500-säännöllään tekee. Alustavasti näyttäisi että määräksi tulee kolme bulkkia ylimpään Superleague-sarjaan ja alemmille tasoille neljä bulkkia per pelaaja per piste:
Starting in Rome and for all remaining events in 2016 we will introduce a rewamped version of the M500 format. We have asked our customers for their oppinion and asked them to vote for their preferance, and the picture showed itself fairly quickly: The vast majority agrees that 2 pods limitation is too little. On the other hand the vast majority also believes that limiting paint is a good idea. So we will mix things up a bit. To accomodate both our customers and their wishes, but also the fact that most our teams also play other major leagues around Europe, we will limit the paint in our top Superleague division to 3 pods. All other divisions will be limited at 4 pods.
We feel this is the best compromise between still limiting the paint and urging a faster and more dynamic game, but also still urge a smart game as a team and still allowing back players to stay in the game for some time and able to support the front players now having to play faster than before.
We think it is important to find the right balance between paint limit but still keeping the game interesting both to watch and play. We will try this formular now, and hope you our customers will have fun - after all this is our main goal always!
Päijät-Hämeen Paintball ry
viimeisin viesti: @kimmo-kainulainen: 29/12/16 23:53:32