Kimmo Kainulainen


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Houston Heat ahkerana pelaajamarkkinoilla

user image 29.12.2013
Kirjoittaja: Kimmo Kainulainen

950_blogs.jpg?width=180Amerikkalainen pro-joukkue Houston Heat otti PSP:n mestaruuden kaudella 2012, vieden peräti kolme osakilpailuvoittoa. Sen jälkeen peli ei ole kulkenut aivan samaan malliin ja kun tiimi lisäksi tämän kauden päättymisen jälkeen ilmoitti kolmen venäläisen tähtipelaajansa jättävän tiimin, ehdittiin jo epäillä lähteekö teksasilaisyhdistelmä tulevaan kauteen lainkaan. Huhut ovat kuitenkin osoittautuneet vääriksi, sillä aukkoja paikkaavat pelaajahankinnat näyttävät erinomaisilta.

Aiemmin Heat ilmoitti jo hankkineensa riveihinsä XSV:ssä pelanneen Thomas Taylorin ja nyt jatkoa tulee kolmikolla Tim Montressor, Ryan Moorhead ja Greg Siewers.

Joukkueen tiedote:

Houston Heat Aims to Own 2014

~ Signs Montressor, Moorhead & Siewers ~

HOUSTON, TX – Sunday, December 29, 2013 – Houston Heat has signed Tim Montressor, Ryan Moorhead and Greg Siewers, proving the team is truly in it to win it in 2014.

“I think ‘excited’ is the word I’d use to describe how everyone on our team feels about the 2014 season,” said Randy “Sarge” Smith, owner of Houston Heat. “Tim, Ryan and Greg are solid additions to our family, bringing years of professional paintball experience and rounding out the skills we need across the field to continue our winning tradition.”

These three players each have eight years of experience playing professionally in the Paintball Sports Promotions (PSP) league, most recently with Edmonton Impact, which took second place in 2013.

“I am incredibly excited to join the Houston Heat family,” said Tim Montressor. “It was a difficult decision to leave all of my friends on Edmonton Impact, however the chance to play with so many of my former teammates from the Philadelphia Americans was an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. It’s a new step for me professionally as I will be able to push and test my abilities within their proven training and practice program. I’ve watched the Heat program build from the ground floor level to a championship winning team and truly believe that the future of the squad will only continue to brighten.”

The 2014 Houston Heat team includes five of the legendary Philadelphia All-Americans – Chad George, Tim Montressor, Sam Monville, Ryan Moorhead, and coach, Jason Trosen. These five have a demonstrated ability to succeed as a team and, coupled with the talent of the full Heat roster, ensure the team remains a force to be reckoned with in the upcoming year.

“2014 opens a new chapter in my paintball career and I am very excited to join Houston Heat’s family,” said Ryan Moorhead. “It’s only Houston Heat’s third year but they have already won a world championship and proved themselves a major force in professional paintball. I can’t wait to keep their winning tradition alive and prove that Heat is more than a flash in the pan. I want to thank Sarge and Momma D for this opportunity and I can’t wait for our first practice.”

“I am excited to join Heat this year,” said Greg Siewers. “I think that the players who are currently on the team are hungry to win and have the coaching to do so. Between that and the new pickups this off-season, I feel that we can be an aggressive and winning team under our strong coaching and organizational staff.”

This is great news for Heat’s sponsors G.I. Sports & DLX Technologies. These three additions have already proven to perform well shooting GI paint and wearing GI gear and it’s expected that they’ll be even better shooting the Luxe marker. Montressor is already part of the DLX family, so this seems like the right move.

Houston Heat will compete as a team in PSP in the champions division in 2014. Stay tuned to Houston Heat’s official Facebook page and website for news and roster updates.

Kimmo Kainulainen
31/12/13 10:00:41 @kimmo-kainulainen:

Tim Montressor Matty Marshallin haastattelussa podcastissa


Kimmo Kainulainen
07/01/14 08:53:04 @kimmo-kainulainen:

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