Kimmo Kainulainen


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Kingman KEE Action Sportsin omistukseen

user image 22.10.2013
Kirjoittaja: Kimmo Kainulainen

KEE Action Sports LLC on jatkanut laajentumistaan ja ostanut Kingman Internationalin ja sen myötä Spyder-värikuula-aseet. Spyderit eivät sillä lailla ole Suomen paintballissa koskaan nousseet markkinoilla kovin korkeaan asemaan, mutta maailmalla kyse on yhdestä suurimmista edullisempien mutkien brändeistä.

KEE Action Sports on vuosien varrella koonnut omistukseensa varsin suuren määrän eli brändejä, joista näkyvimpiä nykyään taitavat olla Empire Paintball ja JT Sports. Valikoimaan kuuluvat myös mm. RPS, Viewloader, BT Paintball ja Brass Eagle.


KEE Action Sports, LLC. acquires select assets of Kingman International including the enire line of Spyder markers.

Sewell, NJ, October 21, 2013, KEE Action Sports.
KEE Action Sports is excited to report that we have recently reached an agreement to purchase select assets of Kingman International including the entire Spyder line of markers.

For nearly 20 years, Spyder has been regarded as one of the most successful marker lines in the paintball industry, with 68 caliber styles such as the Fenix, Xtra, Victor, MR5, MRX and a full range of 50 caliber markers.

The addition of the Spyder product line to KEE Action Sports existing product offering will allow dealers an easier and more efficient way to order and stock the product.  KEE Action Sports has 5 US and 3 international warehouses to ship from, allowing dealers to increase their profits by having shorter shipping times and cheaper freight cost and KEE’s commitment to MAP pricing protection on our entire branded products.

We hope that you see the added bonuses this acquisition brings to your business.  KEE Action Sports continues to be committed to the long term success of the paintball industry and our dealers.  If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
