Ninja V2 regu ja Eclipsen mutkan yhten toimivuus

Jesper Raevaara
Jesper Raevaara
11 vuotta sitten
454 viestiä

Alla oleva viesti tuli Nicky T:ltä. Jos teillä Eclipsen mutka ja Ninja V2 regu, niin lukaiskaa läpi.



Since the launch of the Ninja Pro V2 Regulator system we have noticed some customers experiencing issues with their POPS systems.


The ball bearing valve of the Pro V2 Reg requires significantly more force to activate than the traditional pin valve style Reg system. This is due to the Reg pressure acting over a much larger surface area seal on the Pro V2 valve. (Force = Pressure x Area).


This increased force requirement translates to a POPS system that is MUCH harder to engage than when using a standard pin valve regulator.


We suspect that this increased force requirement is resulting in some players failing to push the bonnet back hard enough to fully engage. If the bonnet is not fully engaged it can degas without the user intending it to do so, mid-game.


To make the Ninja Pro V2 Regulator system more user friendly (require less force to actuate the POPS bonnet) we suggest that anyone using it on an Eclipse marker should reduce the output pressure of their Ninja Pro V2 down to 450-550psi maximum. Further details on how the output pressure can be altered can be found here:

For reference, the LV1 and Geo3/3.1/GSL will operate perfectly well on a tank pressure of anything down to 250-300psi

Kindest regards,

Nicky T

Customer Service and Technical Support Manager

Planet Eclipse Limited

viimeisin viesti: @jesper-raevaara: 29/12/16 23:44:11
